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Employee Branding


How do you get management attention? Well, there is no specific plan but there are a few things you should be aware of:


1. Stay fit

Maybe you think this is obvious but being healty is a basic requirement to climb the ladder. Even if you look ill you will not get the promotion. Therefore it's very important to care about yourself. Eat well, do sports and enjoy life. No one hires ill people. 


2. Keep on learning

Focus on further education and try to fill your backpack with theory even if you get older. The older you get the more you should focus on training your skills instead of getting a further diploma.


3. Test your profile

Apply for jobs from time to time and see if you fulfill the requirements. If not, check if you can take courses in a further education.


4. Networking

Get on the radar of senior executives that could hire you directly. This will take some time to get a contact on senior level but it's worth and the best way to get a new job quickly.


5. Get a track record and talk about it

Do a good job and try to be responsible for strategic projects within your company. As soon as such projects are accomplished talk positively about it especially with the senior executives you should have as a network contact by then.

HR in Motion widmet sich Führungskräften und höheren Fachspezialisten zu allen Themen des Arbeitsalltags, wie Jobs - Bewerbung - Lebenslauf - English CV - Personalvermittlung - Interview - Arbeitsmarkt - Expatriates - Headhunter - Personalberater - Executive Search - Senior Professionals - ü50 - Sabbatical - Work Life Balance - Kündigung - Arbeitsrecht - Social Media - Xing - Linkedin - Arbeitslosigkeit - Erwerbstätigkeit - Assessment - Coaching - Laufbahnberatung - Outplacement - Newplacement - Employability - Arbeitsmarktattraktivität - Karriereberatung und Neuorientierung. 


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