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Welcome to Switzerland

Switzerland is best known for chocolate, watches and their banks. But it has much more to offer. On this side we would like to support you as an expat in order to make your stay in Switzerland the most comfortable. Therefore we collected relevant information about the private and business life in Switzerland. Please feel free to e-mail us if you have any queries: e-mail



In comparison housing in Switzerland is quite expensive. However, the buildings are clean, built of high quality and normally the way to work is not that long as in other metropolis. 

Homegate - largest network for flats and houses in Switzerland

Immoscout24 - second largest network for flats and houses in Switzerland




The Swiss law collection is available on the official side of the Swiss Federal Auhorities: Here is the direct link:

Swiss law

Normally your employer will assist you in all legal aspects of your new homebase in Switzerland. However, sometimes it makes sense to get in touch with an independent lawyer. Here are a few trusted partners:

Voillat Facincani Sutter + Partner - ask for Nicolas Facincani

BodmerFischer - ask for Moritz Naef




Taxes in Switzerland are paid on your total income, on your real estate and on your wealth. Basically taxes in Switzerland are low in comparison with other countries. However, there are even large differences between the cantons in Switzerland. For example the canton Zug is well known for its low taxes while the canton of Waadt is known for high taxes. In the end it depends on how you optimize you incomes. Therefore it's useful if you get in touch with tax experts in Switzerland.



Cars/public transportation

SBB - the national railway coporation

ZVV - local railway corporation Zurich area

BVB - local railway corporation Basel area




It's unusual to send your children to private schools in Swizerland because the public schools are very good and professional. However, there are international schools and private colleges all over Switzerland. Here are a few:

NSH - Private school in Basel

HWS - Private School in Basel

HSO - Private School in Zurich




Swiss speak at least two languages which is German and French and most people also speak English. Swiss are always open to meet new poeple from different cultures. Most of the people know foreign countries quite well because they usually spend their holidays abroad. You can find more information about the Swiss culture on



Important contacts

Local authorities Canton Zurich

Local authorities Canton Zug

Local authorities Canton Lucerne

Local authorities Canton Basel

Federal Authorities

Police: dial 117

Firebrigade: dial 118

Emergency Medical Services: dial 144

Swiss Authorities




All insurances in terms of your employee relation have to be provided by your employer. These are: social security insurance, unemployment insurance, accident insurance. These three insurances are paid half by your employer and half by you. Often you also get a sickness leave insurance. Additionally your employer has to contribute to your pension fund.

The main insurance groups in Switzerland may help you and support you with additional insurances for your family, cars, house etc.

Zurich Insurance Group

AXA Winterthur

Die Mobiliar

Helvetia Versicherungen

Allianz Suisse




There are a couple of international moving companies that will help you with all aspects of your new home in Switzerland:

Keller Swiss Group

Welti Furrer




Swiss people love to play football, volleyball, basketball, tennis and they like to do all kinds of wintersports. Sports like american football, baseball or cricket are not popular, however there are some local clubs. Swiss also like to go to the gym and you will find all kinds of fitness chains in your city. If you want to do sports, the best way is to join a local club in your city. 



Meeting locals

Swiss like to go clubbing or having after work parties. The easiest way is to go out with your colleagues at work. 




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