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Best Way to Find a New Job Without Application

Networking is the most successful method to find a new job. Research shows that only 15% of all jobs are placed via headhunters. 36% of all jobs are placed via an advertisement either on a job platform, Linkedin or an employer website. However, almost 50% of all jobs are placed via networking. If you don't use networking, your job search will take longer and you will progress slower in your career. Therefore networking is the masterpiece of building a successful career. 

Those who build up a functioning network will not be able to protect themselves from unemployment, but the new orientation will lead to success more quickly. However, networking is not about calling every contact and asking for a new job. Networking means generating so much interest in the person you are talking to that the person you are talking to becomes interested in you and acts as your ambassador. For this to happen, you need to have already gathered some information about the company you are interested in. Because in a conversation with your network partner, you need to know exactly where the company has challenges that you could overcome. 

4 ways to build your network:


1. The right contacts

The goal is that you end up talking to people who could hire you directly. This means that these people must be at least one hierarchical level above you. Peer level will not help you and people who are hierarchically subordinate to you may have useful information but will not be able to get you your dream job as they are not decision makers. So orient yourself upwards. Many candidates make the mistake to establish an excellent network on peer level. However, when you are looking for a new job, your peer level is often rather negative for you as you bascically want their job. Therefore, the level above your position outside your company is key for success.

2. Be known by competitors

Of course it makes sense to build up a solid network within your own company with people who are higher up in your hierarchy. But don't forget external people. Your goal must be to know and regularly meet your competitors, especially those people who are on the same level as your boss. Especially when you get fired by your company, your network within your employer is less helpful. Make sure you know your competiors. On top of that, an excellent resource for networking are people who used to work with you and who left the company. Make sure you still be in touch with former colleagues as they can easily help you when you are looking for a new job and they already know how you work.

3. Start today

Getting to the right people takes time and a genuine interest in people. Make a conscious effort to take this time. It will be worth its weight in gold if you depend on your network and people perceive you as an interested listener. On the other hand, if you have always feigned interest and only ever told people about yourself, you are more likely to find yourself alone if you depend on your network. Don't push too much if a person doesn't get back to you within a necessary timeframe. They are all busy. Especially be aware that if you are looking for a new job you might have much more time than someone who is working full-time. For you, two weeks might look like eternity while someone who is working full-time, two weeks are just a second away.

4. The right events

You don't neet to attend every event you can find. Choose the right one's. Basically thinkg about events where you can meet people who coulg be your future boss. Think about what's going on in the industry. Maybe you see trends from abroad or you heard about new techniques and ask the people you want to meet about their opinion. Make sure you have your own opinion and make yourself a good listener and interesting counter-part. Also make sure that you don't block your counterparts from moving on. Nothing annoys someone more when they are texted at an event by someone they didn't know earlier. Be short and to the point, interesting but then go on your own.





Netzwerken ist die erfolgreichste Methode, um eine neue Stelle zu finden. Wer ein funktionierendes Netzwerk aufbaut, wird sich zwar nicht vor Arbeitslosigkeit schützen können, aber die Neuorientierung wird rascher zum Erfolg führen. Beim Netzwerken geht es aber nicht darum jeden Kontakt anzurufen und nach einer neuer Stelle zu fragen. Netzwerken heisst, beim Gesprächspartner soll viel Interesse zu erzeugen, dass Ihr Gesprächspartner von sich aus Interesse an Ihnen bekommt. Damit es soweit kommt, müssen Sie bereits einige Informationen über das Unternehmen gesammelt haben für das Sie sich interessieren. Denn in einem Gespräch mit Ihrem Netzwerkpartner müssen Sie genau wissen, wo das Unternehmen Herausforderungen hat, die Sie meistern könnten. 


Die richtigen Kontakte

Ziel ist es, dass Sie letztendlich mit Personen sprechen, die Sie direkt einstellen könnten. Das heisst, diese Personen müssen mindestens ein Hierarchielevel über Ihnen stehen. Peer-Level wird Ihnen nicht weiterhelfen und Personen, die Ihnen hierarchisch unterstellt sind, können zwar nützliche Informationen haben, werden Ihnen aber nicht Ihren Traumjob verschaffen können, da sie nicht Entscheidungsträger sind. Orientieren Sie sich also nach oben. 


Bei Mitbewerbern bekannt sein

Natürlich ist es sinnvoll im eigenen Unternehmen ein solides Netzwerk mit Personen aufzubauen, die Ihnen hierarchisch höher gestellt sind. Aber vergessen Sie Externe nicht. Ihr Ziel muss es sein, dass Sie Ihre Mitbewerber kennen und regelmässig treffen, insbesondere jene Personen, die auf derselben Ebene stehen, wie Ihr Chef. 


Beziehungen aufzubauen braucht Zeit

Um an die richtigen Personen heranzukommen braucht es Zeit und echtes Interesse am Menschen. Nehmen Sie sich diese Zeit bewusst. Sie wird gold wert sein, wenn Sie auf Ihr Netzwerk angewiesen sind und man Sie als interessierten Zuhörer wahrgenommen hat. Wer hingegen Interesse immer nur vorgetäuscht hat und stets nur über sich selbst erzählte, wird im Fall der Fälle eher allein dastehen, wenn er auf sein Netzwerk angewiesen ist. 





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